Unrequited love is beautiful but is also painful. You see him through those pretty lenses, and everything he does is pretty, but he doesn’t see you that way anymore; that’s when it becomes painful. If you’re experiencing something similar to pain, then start taking note, because that’s your first sign on this topic. Here, are the 13 signs that he doesn’t love you and doesn’t care enough:

1. He’s being disrespectful

Disrespectful behavior is recognized through the way he treats you. Behaviors such as crossing your borders, ignoring your presence, mocking your achievements, lying, and other similar disregarding behaviors represent disrespectful acts towards you and your existence. He knows that his disrespect is causing you unpleasant feelings but at this point, he doesn’t care enough. It’s very harsh to say and write, but it’s one of the signs that he doesn’t love you anymore. Love is about lifting each other, learning from each other, and growing together as a team. Having each other’s feelings into consideration is one of the main signs of love. He loves you when he’s caring and respecting your existence, presence, and your beauty. He doesn’t love you if he shows disrespectful behavior and sees the hurt he’s causing you.

He doesn’t treat you like he used to.He’s being rude.

2. He’s pulling away from you

It’s a process that happens slowly, but it’s noticeable. The process of a man pulling away from you comes with emotional distance, mixed signals, lack of attention towards you, and other acts that signify distance. When a man stops loving you he starts pulling away through distancing himself from you, emotionally, physically, and sexually. He pulls away from you and this reflects in the way he treats you, the effort he puts into the relationship and your happiness, the attention he gives you, and the time he spends with you. Lack of love often causes the person to pull away, whether that’s done abruptly or eventually.

He’s not putting any effort anymore.He distances himself emotionally, physically, and sexually.

3. He’s being inconsiderate towards you

When he doesn’t love you anymore, he starts becoming blind to your needs, your wants, and your presence. This causes him to be inconsiderate of your feelings and your needs. Such behavior can be reflected through his abrupt decision-making despite the act being hurtful to you, and his way of using hurtful expressions despite knowing that it’ll do you hurt. Being inconsiderate towards each other’s feelings can bring the relationship to an end, and it is one of the first signs that love is not quite there. When he’s inconsiderate towards you, he’s inconsiderate to your needs, to your wants, and your presence.

He doesn’t seem to care anymore.He doesn’t consider things that are important to you.

4. Low energy between you and him

When there’s love from his side he brings what he can to the table. Once the love is not there, he’ll stop putting effort and energy into the relationship, leaving you no choice but to think of ending the relationship. Low energy manifests in different forms, a few to mention are not trying to work things out, lack of will to do interesting things with you, lack of interest in activities that strengthen your bond, etc. You can tell he’s the reason for the low energy between you when he’s not willing to crack a joke to make you smile; when he’s not willing to participate in activities that once used to bring you joy; when he’s not excited to be in that room with you. Those ways of behaving resonate with lack of love, they indicate some of the signs that your partner doesn’t love you anymore.

He’s being rude.He doesn’t care to put effort into your happiness.

5. He’s acting like you’re a stranger

One of the most common signs that he doesn’t care about you anymore, and doesn’t love you anymore is when he becomes so distant that it feels like you’re a stranger to him. It makes you feel like your existence has no value to him like you’re just there to fill a physical space in his life, rather than be an important person to him. He talks as few words as possible, he’s present as few hours as possible, and he puts as little effort as possible into the relationship. He doesn’t care to try, and he doesn’t care about how his behavior is affecting you.

He doesn’t care to listen.He ignores you by being indifferent to your presence.

6. No more spending hours and hours together

When he does love you, he also loves the time he spends with you, he cherishes you, and he’s there to listen to you. You can tell if your significant other doesn’t love you by the amount of quality time they’re willing and excited to spend with you. When he lacks love towards you, he finds ways to prevent quality time with you. The long hours of each other’s presence are gone, he’s no longer into it. It’s very harsh and very hurtful to go through this, as you see it right in front of your eyes without knowing what to you, what you did, or what happened that led the relationship to come to this point.

He’s very busy to be spending time with you.He doesn’t put effort into turning it into quality time.

7. He does everything on his own

You’ll be able to tell if he doesn’t love you if you check his ways of solving things, his ways of doing things, and his ways of making decisions. When love is gone, it doesn’t necessarily transform into hate or resentment. Love simply isn’t there, and that alone is enough to turn things upside down into the relationship. When there’s mutual love, there’s also understanding and compromise within the relationship. That love and understanding are reflected in the decision-making of both of you as a couple. On the other hand, when he doesn’t love you anymore, he won’t mind if his actions are hurtful to you, he’ll do them on his own. He won’t share anything to get your opinion on it, and he’ll make decisions on his own without considering your stance on them.

He makes decisions despite them being hurtful to you.He doesn’t ask for your opinions anymore.

8. He starts arguments on the silliest things

Arguments in a relationship can be healthy. But arguing on things not worth arguing about can lead to toxicity in a relationship. Resentment can lead to love fading away from the relationship. When he no longer loves you he has an unexplainable urge to become destructive. Since he didn’t tell you himself about what he’s holding inside, what’s on his mind and heart will subconsciously reflect on his behavior. He’ll be consciously or subconsciously seeking ways to destroy the relationship, and that can easily be noticed through the way he argues with you. He offends your efforts, he offends your presence through getting on your back about the smallest things one could disagree on.

He picks fights on everything.He overdoes it by offending you.

9. He says “I love you” less

It doesn’t feel right to him to say something he doesn’t feel anymore. So, he says “I love you” less, or when he says it, something about it makes it clear he doesn’t mean it. It’s normal to just not feel the need to say these three words in a relationship once a while has passed, however, the actions reflect what’s on the inside. The actions say those words. In this case, when he no longer loves you, he doesn’t tell you he loves you through words or actions.

He might not tell you he loves you at all.Whenever he says he loves you, it doesn’t seem to be truly felt by him.

10. He’s not affectionate anymore

Affection in a romantic relationship can be expressed through words and actions. When his love is gone his affectionate behavior will be gone too… However he showed you his affection, the moment he stops loving you, that affection is gone as well. No more pretty words, no more compliments, no more gifts, less sex, less appreciation, and less gratitude expressed about your presence. When love is gone, so are the positive thoughts and gratitude. He can’t express something he’s not feeling.

Your emotional and sexual needs are no longer being met.He doesn’t pay any mind to say or doing nice things anymore.

11. He doesn’t look at you

You’re there, but he doesn’t seem to recognize it. Eye contact is a very important factor in a relationship and a connection. When he doesn’t look you in the eyes, he’s blocking himself from creating a connection with you. His lack of eye contact is his way of distancing himself from you. It makes you feel alienated by his presence. It’s not pleasant, and it’s hurtful to see the person you love grow distant and not feel the love he once felt so strongly. Especially when it comes to making eye contact, being present with each other, and having a sense of security when in each other’s presence.

You don’t feel seen nor heard in his presence.He feels very distant and uninterested.

12. He’s cheating

Men cheat for different reasons. Sometimes, the reason for cheating is that they no longer feel love towards their partner. The infidelity statistics show that even people who love their partners are capable of infidelity. However, infidelity is undoubtedly a sign of disrespect to you and the effort you put into the relationship. Consider your boundaries, your sense of self, and your self-respect when it comes to this issue. If he’s violating them, especially through cheating on you, then it’s a pretty clear sign that he doesn’t care anymore. It’s a way for you to know that man doesn’t love you enough to respect your boundaries, to respect you and your effort.

He lies.He disrespects you by cheating physically or emotionally.

13. He abuses you

Abuse never stems from love. An abusing partner isn’t a loving partner, no matter what they tell you. Abuse is expressed and practiced through manipulation, threats, violence, insults, humiliation, codependency, and other harmful behavior of that nature. You shouldn’t be experiencing abuse in the name of love, you shouldn’t be experiencing abuse at all. Love is calm, peaceful, and uplifting. Love is never violent, harming, and disregarding.

Why doesn’t he love me anymore?

He might or might not have any reasons when he grows out of love for you. That’s no consolation, I know… It doesn’t make the pain go away, but having an understanding of this behavior can help a lot. A few common reasons why he doesn’t love you anymore:

  1. You both grew differently. Falling out of love is common in long-term relationships, especially those that start from the young ages of a couple. When you meet each other at a very young age, you get to see a particular part of each other. However, as time passes you both continue growing. Sometimes growing happens in different directions, and you start to differ a lot from the version you were introduced to one another. In this case, his falling out of love can be explained by this phenomenon: you simply grew into different ways, and your tastes and your preferences grew into things that are not compatible with one another.
  2. He’s going through a shift in his personality. Again, this relates to growth and development. His preferences are shifting, his views on life and relationships are shifting as well. That can lead to him seeing things differently. While growing and developing often has a positive impact on an individual, even though rarely, it can hurt a couple. That’s because he shifts into another version of himself. Into a different version from the one that was in love with you.
  3. He’s emotionally unavailable. Different situations and experiences can lead to emotional unavailability in a person. Emotionally unavailable people are capable of love, but that doesn’t happen in every case possible. He probably went through something that led him to come into this state. And this state can cause him to not recognize his feelings and emotions, to not acknowledge them, and for those to shift into something else. In this case, love shifted into something else, or he’s simply no longer capable of feeling it.

What to do when he doesn’t love you anymore?

When finding out that he no longer loves you, or cares about you is a difficult situation to be faced with. You’re not in this alone. 5 things to do when he doesn’t love you anymore: – Have a pragmatic approach to the situation. If he says he doesn’t love you but you think he does, staying in a relationship with someone that acts like a stranger is not a pragmatic approach. Look at this situation and see if your needs are being met, look for drops of happiness along the way, look for understanding, compromise, compassion, and care. Be pragmatic about it. It hurts like hell, and it burns inside because it’s hard to admit that someone you love, someone who loved you so dearly simply doesn’t anymore. But, seeing the situation as it is will help you a lot on the next coming steps towards healing. – Turn to yourself for love and respect. At some point in the relationship, there’s forgetting about self-love and self-respect because you rely on your partner for it. You simply get used to it. Now, this is a good reminder for you to turn to yourself to get what you’re not getting from your partner. Take well care of yourself, do things you love doing, have yourself surrounded by people who love you back. Turn to yourself for love. – Reconsider your boundaries. Sometimes when loving someone so dearly in a relationship, we tend to let loose our boundaries. We mark them slightly differently because of him. Well, now it’s time to reconsider your boundaries, draw those lines to what you’re willing to tolerate, and what you’d never want to happen to you. – Don’t put the blame on him or you. Reflecting in such situations is a positive. However, blaming comes with no good. People grow, they learn new things, they see things differently, and so do you. Try to shift your focus into what you can do to heal instead of blaming yourself or him. – Let him go. Whether your boyfriend doesn’t love you but still wants to stay together or not, you’ve got to let him go. The reason for that it’s simple: if you stay you’ll continuously find yourself trying to please him, trying to be better, and trying to make him love you. You can’t make someone love you, you’ll be losing your sense of self, and you’ll find yourself transforming into these other people that you don’t know for the sake of your boyfriend loving you. Let him go. It’s difficult, it’s heavy, but it’s the only way to move on.


You know if a man doesn’t love you when there’s no more compassion, no more respect, when he treats you like a stranger, when he’s arrogant to your presence, and when he offends your presence with his inconsiderate behavior. Having more information on this will be more helpful to you in dealing with this situation. Stay strong, I know you’ve got this. Love, Callisto Other helpful articles on the topic: Signs he’s NOT the one Are you with the right person? How to know if a guy is playing you?

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