When an ex blocks you on everything doesn’t mean that it is always your fault.  Hence, sometimes your continuous persistence might make your ex cut contact with you permanently. I know that this isn’t the best feeling in the world because it leaves you constantly wondering. If your ex blocks you on everything one might say you win and another one might say you lost. That all depends on how your ex is feeling after the breakup and how they are grieving. How your ex handles the breakup all depends on their personality and how you parted ways. To know in detail why your ex blocked you on everything, here are 13 main reasons:

1. Your ex can’t stand your progression

Sometimes, your progression hurts your ex more than anything. Actually, for them, that means if I don’t heal then you don’t heal. This comes as a result of a greater ego or because they can’t get themselves to let the relationship go. When the separation anxiety and loneliness hit the dumper, they will feel like they have lost the breakup. Not everyone, but some exes take the breakup as a competition. They always want to be healed and in a better relationship faster than you. Either way, being stuck in the past will make your ex block you until they work on themselves.

2. They want to heal after the breakup

When an ex is hurt they don’t block you out of sudden. It might look like that to you but not to them. A dumper will immediately deal with the feelings of grief and pain. It is quite painful for the dumper to be exposed to you constantly after the breakup. They aren’t capable of dealing with you at the moment. That’s why they want to take a step back and focus on their journey. On the other hand, the dumper might block you 

For men it takes a longer time to process the breakup and start to miss you;

Whereas women tend to be more attached and start to immediately miss their ex and take an action;

Either way, they block you to heal faster and not keeping themselves stuck in the past.

3. They can’t contain themselves from contacting you

If your ex blocks you, you won mean that they can’t keep themselves away from contacting you. When your ex has this extreme urge of looking at your profile picture and keeping up with your posts, they’ll block you. They do it either because they still feel something for you and aren’t over the relationship yet. Even though the relationship has ended, they might hit the dumper’s remorse later on and regret their decision. This is the time that they feel even too proud to contact you first and are afraid of being rejected.

4. They like to brag about blocking you first

When a relationship ends sometimes your ex wants to show that they can win the relationship. Coaches at Relationship Hero will make a specific plan for you so you can reflect properly on your situation. This way, they would even pretend that they have moved on and are healed quite fast. If a narcissistic ex blocked you then they do it to brag about it. The main reason that they do it is to take revenge and attract your attention. Their block won’t be permanent, they will keep blocking and unblocking you for some time. So, they raise their self-esteem and make themselves feel better by playing with your feelings. If you feel triggered by their action then you know that they did it for this purpose.

5. They want to get your attention

When an ex blocks you and you didn’t do anything, most of them do it to take your attention. If they still have feelings for you, they block you on everything just to give you one last boost. In this case, an ex wants to give you an indirect message.  Pretending to be over you as a form of reverse psychology is a manipulative way to push your buttons. Only this way without communicating they will try to trigger you. Your ex will do this right after the breakup or all of a sudden. This depends on when the breakup has started to hit your ex.

6. They don’t want you to keep up with their life

There comes a time after the breakup when an ex just doesn’t want to see your content or your number on their phone. They just want to distance themselves so you don’t have the chance to monitor their post-breakup life. In this case, your ex just can’t stand your presence anymore. They block your social media and number. They might even do something beforehand like delete pictures together or didn’t contact you not even once. This can happen for different reasons: ~Maybe they aren’t in love with you anymore; ~What you post distracts them from creating peace of mind and reflecting; ~They might feel guilty about what they’ve done and can’t bear the pain; ~ He might be confused and still sorting out his feelings; ~Your presence might distract them and might prevent their healing; ~Maybe you have created a toxic relationship for them;

7. They are trying to ghost you

An ex will block you when they want to ghost you. They will do it because it is easier for them to distance themselves without making any effort. The dumper will give you the silent treatment so they don’t have to explain themselves for their actions. Especially, a narcissist or a stubborn ex would block you to manipulate your thoughts and feelings. On the other hand, when a dumpee blocks you without an explanation that doesn’t mean they ghosted you. The moment that they are hurt by you, they feel like there is no need to explain their withdrawal to you. Note: Sometimes, they will unblock and block you from time to time just to get your reaction. In this situation, it’s better to stay distant and focus on your healing.

8. They want to manipulate you into getting back together

When an ex regrets their decision and wishes they never dumped you, they will block you. Instead of communicating their feelings or asking for forgiveness, they will just hit the block button. Now, your ex wants to act like they are “over” you to trigger you into contacting him or her first. They wouldn’t initiate a text or conversation first after the breakup, for two main reasons.

  1. Your ex is either afraid of rejection;
  2. They don’t feel quite confident in making the first step;
  3. Your ex has a greater ego and wants you to contact them first no matter the occasion; If this is your ex’s aim then they will try to pursue you differently other than just blocking you. You might bum into them occasionally or they will ask your friends about you.

9. They got bored that you never bothered to contact them first

When an ex has started to lose feelings for you and you don’t interact with them, they will get distant. After the breakup is impossible to know whether your ex has been waiting for you to contact them or not. Thus, when an ex wants you back then they will give you slight signs that they want to interact again. The moment that you take your time more to heal and focus on yourself, they might start to lose interest. If it takes more than 6 months then they will think that you have moved on and don’t want to contact them.

10. They try to isolate themselves

Everyone deals with the breakup differently. Someone will vent to friends and family while others will try to isolate themselves. When an ex is quite hurt by you, they will deal with their feelings by distancing themselves from you and everyone. In this case, they will start by blocking you immediately after the breakup.

They will stop hanging out with their friends or with mutual friendsThey will get rid of things that remind them of youThey would barely go out or keep themselves active

All of this is done, to create peace of mind which sometimes might not have positive results.

11. They think that you have already moved on

If you are using the No Contact Rule after the breakup then you should be prepared for your ex’s reaction. Not everyone uses this rule the same way and not everyone reacts the same way to it. Your ex might think that you have moved on and don’t care about them if you haven’t interacted with them in a long time. I know that you might have taken this time to heal yourself and move forward. At the core, this is what this rule is all about. Hence, if your ex was used to always getting attention from you they will think the opposite. That’s when your ex will block you out of nowhere. They think that you have already created your life without them.

12. Their new partner might be jealous

Your ex’s new partner might be the reason why your ex blocks you everywhere. It doesn’t mean that when your ex has moved on faster than you that they are over you.  They might be a part of a rebound relationship and block you. That might happen because their new partner wants to start something new.  If they are jealous then they might not want your ex to interact with you in any form. This depends on their personality and what type of relationship they have already created.

13. They are happy with their new life

If an ex blocked you after No Contact then they might have already moved on.  If the breakup was bad and your relationship was falling apart for some time, they might have been seeking something better. This doesn’t mean that they will already be in a relationship. They might get over you just by focusing on creating the best version of themselves. Either way, they block you from just focusing on a future without glimpses of the past. This doesn’t mean that you have never been a part of their past life. This means that they have chosen to look forward in their life. I know that this is a hard pill to swallow but being distant helps both of you to mend your hearts.

I blocked my ex, will he come back?

There is no guaranteed answer to this question. It all depends on how the breakup happened, and how much you hurt one another. ~Let’s take for example cheating. If you have been in a long-term relationship and you cheated on them then blocking won’t help. In this situation, what your ex needs is to be transparent and communicate. They need answers for your behavior and if you can mend the relationship. ~On the other hand, sometimes ex’s get tired of waiting for signs and reading them. They just want straightforward answers and forgiveness. That’s why blocking your ex might give them the wrong impression. ~If your ex finds blocking as a manipulative tool then they might hesitate to come back. Especially when a partner is an independent one then they might consider this action as something bad. This will push your partner away even more. ~If your ex has low self-esteem and is codependent that might trigger them. Hence this is not always sure because blocking them might crush their confidence even more. They might feel unwanted and not important after being blocked.

He hasn’t blocked me after a breakup…

When an ex hasn’t blocked you after the breakup that means that they don’t have a reason to do it. ~When an ex still has feelings for you and you haven’t done anything to hurt them, they won’t block you. If the breakup was amicable and mutual then an ex won’t block you from not seeming childish or giving you the wrong impression. Even if the breakup was bad but you haven’t bothered your ex then they will be distant without blocking you. ~An ex doesn’t block you when they have lowkey romantic feelings.  In this case, they want to stay friends and keep some type of contact with you from time to time. This depends on how your ex reacts to the breakup and how they feel about you. ~In the end, an ex doesn’t block you because they want to seem mature enough to deal with the breakup. Sometimes people take blocking as a juvenile action and that’s why your ex might do the contrary.

He blocked me on Facebook but still texts me

The reason why an ex might block you on social media but still text you might be ambiguous.

  1. They might be hiding something. If your ex blocked you on social media then they don’t want you to monitor their life. They might want to keep their dating options open while still keeping in contact with you.
  2. Maybe they are fighting with their desires and thoughts.  In this case, they might have blocked you to just keep themselves from not interacting with you. They keep your number because they still have feelings for you and can’t cut the communication.
  3. They might have been playing with your emotions. An ex might do this just to keep themselves distracted from the breakup and their life. Also, an ex that has a greater ego will do it just to tell that they are winning the breakup.

Final thought: Why would an ex block you?

An ex would block you to either move on or to get your attention. To know better their intention, you need to reflect on your relationship and your ex’s personality. Their intentions will be known on how they reacted after the breakup happened. Sometimes it’s hard to reflect on yourself when you are hurt or when you made the wrong decision. Hence, you should take a step back and reflect on your post-breakup behavior too. Remember that no ex would block you without a reason. Keep your head up high and focus on improving yourself. Best, Callisto Adams

13 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 9813 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 1613 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 9413 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 3913 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 2813 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 7713 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 6513 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 5913 reasons why an ex blocked you on everything   What to do about it - 55